Welcome to the Looking Glass.

The First Sunday of Each Month,
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST

Zalera Ward 30, Plot 5
Goblet West Aetheryte

What We Offer.

The Looking Glass is twofold: it is 1) a library that houses countless tomes spanning topics unimaginable, and 2) a foundry of arcanima that may serve as a repository of knowledge for fledgling summoners and scholars.The library itself is free of charge. All are welcome to explore the vast array of knowledge housed within these walls at their leisure and mingle with those who seem wanting for company. Scholars and researchers may find fellow peers to aid in whatever endeavor they may be pursuing, whether it be other patrons or the gifted scholars/researchers who call The Looking Glass home. Furthermore, those wanting for fairy tales and stories of adventure will not leave disappointed: myriad tales not written elsewhere are safeguarded here.We aim for this establishment to have something for everyone: whether it is casual library RP to understand more of the world's lore, store RP to find good readin' for yourself or your special someone, or just hanging out at a relaxing and hole-in-the-wall venue.If you're new to roleplay, we understand that getting into it can feel daunting. We hope that engaging in a relaxing and welcoming establishment will help ease your worries!For those seeking more, we are eager to provide. This establishment is IC'ly known throughout Thanalan for its research into aetherological topics such as arcanima, thaumaturgy, Allagan technology, and more. Chances are we can help further your own research and aspirations. Interested? Join our discord today.

Code of Conduct.

1) This venue is a neutral, IC ground. Unless someone is acting in a reprehensible way (homophobia, transphobia, etc), keep your OOC drama at the door, please.2) This is an LGBTQ+ friendly establishment. If you are found to be a detriment to this, you will be removed unceremoniously and without warning.3) No harrassment, whether done through subtext or directed specifically towards an individual. Don't be a dick.4) This is an 18+ venue. Many of the topics found in FFXIV are gruesome. To avoid dealing with any complications and potential lore-censorship, we ask that you be of age to participate in this venue.4b) Although this is an 18+ venue, this is not a sexual establishment. Please do not fornicate behind the shelves.5) If a staff member tells you to stop, stop. This rule is inviolate. If you are told to cease, cease. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

Who We Are.

These individuals devote themselves to the Looking Glass in their own special way -- whether it be conducting research on many of Eorzea's wonders, developing new types of spells, or simply indulging in their own self-education.

Noire Eiry

< Aetherologist / Owner >

Dutifully trained under an Aetherologist recognized by the Students of Baldesion, Noire's passion is the study of aether and its myriad forms. Always accompanied by his moth fae, Aisling, the Xaela often researches topics in the fields of Arcanima and Thaumaturgy.

Thedis Iscariot

< Archaeologist / Alchemist >

Inquisitive and well-traveled, there are few subjects Thedis is truly unfamiliar with. Their expertise centers around alchemy and archaeology, with particular focus on medicine, burial rites and wider thanatology.

Junko Omori

< Apprentice Aetherologist >

A student practicing in the arts of summoning, Junko can be a bit shy when interacting with customers though that is quickly melted away with her curiosity and questions. She has a general focus on all topics at behest of a certain owner.

Baidar Vipre



Istanya Runtela

< Master Gooper, Degenerate Extraordinaire >

I sometimes look at puppies and say damn, they'd look cute if I opened up a portal to the Thirteenth and punted them into an Atomos' maw. Unrelated, does anyone like goop?

Parsnip Erba

< Apprentice Horticulturist >

Pray, elucidate unto me thine belligerancy once more, youth... Erstwhile, while thou hast frittered thine days away in indolence, mine own excellence hath soared higher than the peaks of Sohm Ahl, nay, to the very vaults of the heavens themselves! From the collegiate of Baldesion, to the deepest reaches of Garlemald, fifteen-score men have I lain low, with the grace and skill of chirurgeons of legend, and all the rancor of the Primals and their beastmen subjugate. Thou art yet but one more fetid soul to rend unto Oblivion. Verily, the wrath I have yet to bear upon thine personage will be found even within the tomestones of ancient Allag, so great will thine suffrance be of mine ire, that even time itself will disobey its casual flow and rescribe history forthwith; Hearken to me, cur. Thine words reach mine ears and they resolve into naught but coyness, replete of filth and ignorance. Thine puissant scribework, as grotesque as an unmasked Goblin. Pray, and speak true, dost thou truly believe thineself equal to mine own personage? Nay. Ere long, mine compatriots shall away and arrive anon to thine dwelling, fire and fury in their breasts, stell bared, and cantrip upon the ready. Thou'rt doomed, wastrel; even The Mothercrystal weeps for what shall befall thee. Nay, not even the Twelve themselves shall shelter thee from mine ardor, and even the Ascians will decry my cruelty whenceforth issued. Such will be mine wrath, that it shall bring about the true Eighth Umbral Calamity. Thy glibness hath only wrought ire and fury, and not even the Warrior of Light will be able to save you from mine. For I hath drawn forth the cards of eld, and thine fortunes spelt plain. Thou'rt fucked, churl.

Y'naerith Kagame

< Aetherologist >

A child of the Forum and former apprentice to the proprietor of The Looking Glass, Y'naerith is the establishment's jack of all trades. From aetherical elements to the dance cultures around the Star, there are very few topics the Seeker has not at least glanced at before.

P'khish Kagame

< Smut Connoisseur >

I like Boku no Pico the most.

Munira Eiry

< Head Florist >

An enthusiastic and curious Veena who has love for all of Eorzea's living creatures. Since taking up botany later in her life (She grew up in Sui No Sato, and not much grows in sand...) she's read countless tomes, researched all genus and species and experienced the thrill, happiness, and loss of cultivating the greener part of Eorzea's life.

Lulumi Eiry

< Helping Hand >

This little lalafell helps out in any way she can. Lulumi has a strange gift of knowing when to plant or where to gather flowers, and she uses this gift to aid her mother in the flower department of The Looking Glass. Whenever she tries to help her father with the books... she ends up giving the visitors stories about princes and princesses no matter what they were actually looking for!

Emmy Eiry

< Helping Hand >

An energetic little lalafell, always getting into trouble when her sister is around. She can usually be found in the greenhouse when her mother is around, or terrorising her father with her antics otherwise. She has a natural gift for botany, and helps out her mother whenever she can.

Istanya Runtela

< Chronicler >

A traveling writer with a love for people and history, Istanya studied under the Arcanist Guild to become a well-versed healer, leading her to come in contact with many. She found herself studying ruin after ruin, leading her to run into Noire while reviewing her notes. They both found quickly that two was better than one, combining their notes and research, expanding both of their libraries, and opening a world of possibilities relating to the forgotten knowledge of Eorzea.

A'ren Jahni

< Acolyte >
